Complete List of Computer Related Full Forms: A to Z in Alphabetical Order

The Ultimate Guide to Computer Related Full Forms: A to Z in Alphabetical Order!

Full forms are the complete expressions of acronyms or abbreviations, which help to identify and define terms used in various fields. In the computer world, full forms play a vital role in understanding the various technological terms and concepts that are used in the industry. 

As technology advances at a rapid pace, it can be challenging to keep up with the latest jargon and buzzwords. However, by familiarizing oneself with common computer-related full forms, one can easily communicate with peers and understand complex technological concepts.

Computer Related Full Forms

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common computer-related full forms that every computer user should know. We will also cover some lesser-known full forms that are still important in the industry. 

And Finally, we will also provide some tips on how to remember these full forms.

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What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that can perform various operations and tasks such as calculations, data processing, and communication. It is a programmable machine that can receive input, process data according to pre-programmed instructions, and produce output. 

Computers are used in a wide variety of industries and applications, including business, science, engineering, entertainment, and education.

The Full Form of computer is:

  • C - Commonly
  • O - Operating
  • M - Machine
  • P - Particularly
  • U - Used for
  • T - Technical and
  • E - Educational
  • R - Research

This is just one example of a full form for “computer.” There are many other full forms for the term “computer,” depending on the context and perspective of the person or organization using the acronym.

Why is knowing computer full forms important for us?

Knowing computer full forms is important for us for several reasons. Here are a few examples:

  • Clarity of communication: In the computer industry, there are many technical terms and acronyms used to describe complex concepts. Knowing the full forms of these terms can help computer users communicate more clearly with their colleagues and clients, and avoid any misunderstandings or confusion.

  • Understanding technical documentation: Technical documentation, such as software manuals and online tutorials, often use abbreviations and acronyms to save space and make the content easier to read. By understanding the full forms of these terms, computer users can better comprehend technical documentation and troubleshoot any issues they may encounter.

  • Better decision making: In some cases, knowing the full form of a term can help computer users make better decisions about their hardware or software. For example, if a user is looking to upgrade their computer's memory, knowing the full form of RAM (Random Access Memory) can help them make an informed decision about which type of RAM to purchase.

  • Job opportunities: If you are interested in pursuing a career in the computer industry, knowing the full forms of common computer-related terms is essential. Employers often expect their employees to have a good understanding of the technical terminology used in the field, and this knowledge can make you a more competitive job candidate.

Computer Related Full Form in: alphabetical order A to Z

Most common computer-related acronyms and their full forms in alphabetical order:

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: A

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “A”

Abbreviation Full-Form
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
AD Active Directory
ADB Apple Desktop Bus
ADS Alternate Data Stream
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AFK Away From Keyboard
AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIFF Audio Interchange File Format
AIU Automatic Initialization of Uninitialized Pointers
AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMD Advanced Micro Devices
AMR Audio Modem Riser
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOP Aspect Oriented Programming
API Application Programming Interface
APIPA Automatic Private IP Addressing
APM Advanced Power Management
ARCNET Attached Resource Computer Network
ARM64 Advanced RISC Machines 64-bit
ARM Advanced RISC Machines
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
ASCII art American Standard Code for Information Interchange art
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASP Active Server Pages
ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
AT Advanced Technology
ATA Advanced Technology Attachment
ATAPI Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATX Advanced Technology Extended
AVC Advanced Video Coding
AVI Audio Video Interleave
AWK Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan (programming language)
AWT Abstract Window Toolkit

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: B

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “B”

Abbreviation Full-Form
B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Consumer
BCC Blind Carbon Copy
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BCDM Binary Coded Decimal Multiplication
BCDR Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
BCR Business Card Reader
BEM Block Element Modifier
BERT Bit Error Rate Test
BFD Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
BGA Ball Grid Array
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
BIN Binary
BIOS Basic Input Output System
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
BLOB Binary Large Object
BMP Bitmap
BNC Bayonet Neill Concelman
BOINC Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
BOM Byte Order Mark
BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol
BPI Bits Per Inch
BPL Bits Per Line
BPM Business Process Management
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution
BSoD Blue Screen of Death
BSS Block Started by Symbol
BSSID Basic Service Set Identifier
BYOD Bring Your Own Device
GUI Graphical User Interface

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: C

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “C”

Abbreviation Full-Form
CAC Common Access Card
CAD Computer-Aided Design
CAPTCHA  Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart
CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering
CBT Computer-Based Training
CD-R Compact Disc Recordable
CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory
CD-RW Compact Disc Rewritable
CDFS Compact Disc File System
CDN Content Delivery Network
CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol
CDR Call Detail Record
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CHAP Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHS Cylinder Head Sector
CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Routing
CIF Common Intermediate Format
CIFS Common Internet File System
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computing
CLI Command Line Interface
CMC Computer Mediated Communication
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
CMS Content Management System
CMYK Cyan, Magenta,Yellow, Key (black)
CNAME Canonical Name
CNR Communication and Networking Riser
COM Component Object Model
CPE Customer Premises Equipment
CPU Central Processing Unit
CPU socket Central Processing Unit socket
CPUID CPU identification
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller
CRU Customer Replaceable Unit
CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
CSS3 Cascading Style Sheets version 3
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
CSV Comma-Separated Values
CTR Click-Through Rate

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: D

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “D”

Abbreviation Full-Form
DaaS Desktop as a Service
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
DACS Digital Access and Cross-connect System
DAO Data Access Objects
DAS Direct Attached Storage
DAW Digital Audio Workstation
DBMS Database Management System
DC Direct Current
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DCOM Distributed Component Object Model
DCR Digital Camera Raw
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DDR Double Data Rate
DDRAM Double Data Rate Asynchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
DFD Data Flow Diagram
DFM Design for Manufacturability
DFS Distributed File System
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHTML Dynamic HyperText Markup Language
DIMM Dual In-Line Memory Module
DIP Dual In-line Package
DLL Dynamic Link Library
DLP Data Loss Prevention
DLP Digital Light Processing
DMA Direct Memory Access
DMI Desktop Management Interface
DML Data Manipulation Language
DMS Document Management System
DNS Domain Name System
DOD Department of Defense
DOM Document Object Model
DOS Denial of Service
DOS Disk Operating System
DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation
DPI Deep Packet Inspection
DPI Dots Per Inch
DR Disaster Recovery
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DRM Digital Rights Management
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DSS Decision Support System
DTA Digital Tape Automation
DTP Desktop Publishing
DV Digital Video
DVD Digital Video Disc
DVI Digital Visual Interface
DVI-I Digital Visual Interface-Integrated
DWT Discrete Wavelet Transform

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: E

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “E”

Abbreviation Full-Form
EAI Enterprise Application Integration
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
EAPOL Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN
EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud
ECC Error Correction Code
ECD Error Correction Code
ECM Enterprise Content Management
ECS Elitegroup Computer Systems
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDO Extended Data Output
EDP Electronic Data Processing
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EFI Extensible Firmware Interface
EFS Encrypting File System
EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol
EHR Electronic Health Record
EHS Environmental Health and Safety
EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture
EJB Enterprise JavaBeans
ELF Executable and Linkable Format
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EMM Expanded Memory Manager
EMMC Embedded Multi Media Controller
EMR Electronic Medical Record
EPG Electronic Program Guide
EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
ERD Entity-Relationship Diagram
ERM Enterprise Risk Management
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ESB Enterprise Service Bus
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESDI Enhanced Small Device Interface
ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
ETL Extract, Transform, Load
ETLA Extended Three Letter Acronym
EULA End-User License Agreement
EVDO Evolution Data Optimized
EVF Electronic Viewfinder
EXIF Exchangeable Image File Format

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: F

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “F”

Abbreviation Full-Form
FAB Feature Advantage Benefit
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FAT32 File Allocation Table 32-bit
FAT File Allocation Table
FBD Folder-Based Deployment
FBDIMM Fully Buffered Dual Inline Memory Module
FCS Frame Check Sequence
FDC Floppy Disk Controller
FDD Fixed Disk Drive
FDD Floppy Disk Drive
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing
FDX Full Duplex
FEM Finite Element Method
FFMPEG Fast Forward MPEG
FHD Full High Definition
FHS Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
FIFO First In, First Out
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
FLC File List Creator
FLOPS Floating Point Operations Per Second
FLV Flash Video
FMC Fixed Mobile Convergence
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMS Flight Management System
FOLDOC Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
FOMA Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access
FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array
FPM Fast Page Mode
FPM Feet Per Minute
FPS Frames Per Second
FPU Floating Point Unit
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name
FSB Front Side Bus
FST Fuchsia Symbol Table
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FUD Fear Uncertainty and Doubt

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: G

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “G”

Abbreviation Full-Form
GB Gigabyte
GbE Gigabit Ethernet
Gbps Gigabits per second
GDI Graphics Device Interface
GFS Global File System
GHz Gigahertz
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
GIL Global Interpreter Lock
GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program
GMS Global Mobile System
GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment
GNU GNU's Not Unix!
GPG GNU Privacy Guard
GPL General Public License
GPMC Group Policy Management Console
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning System
GPT GUID Partition Table
GPU Graphics Processing Unit
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
GUI Graphical User Interface

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: H

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “H”

Abbreviation Full-Form
H.264 Advanced Video Coding
H.265 High-Efficiency Video Coding
HaaS Hardware as a Service
HCI Human Computer Interaction
HDD Hard Disk Drive
HDFS Hadoop Distributed File System
HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface
HIDS Host-Based Intrusion Detection System
HP Hewlett-Packard
HPC High-Performance Computing
HR Human Resources
HSM Hierarchical Storage Management
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
Hz Hertz

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: I

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “I”

Abbreviation Full-Form
I/O Input/Output
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
IBM International Business Machines Corporation
ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IDE Integrated Development Environment
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IGP Interior Gateway Protocol
IIS Internet Information Services
IM Instant Messaging
IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol
IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem
IoT Internet of Things
IP Internet Protocol
IPC Inter-Process Communication
IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface
IPS Intrusion Prevention System
IPSec Internet Protocol Security
IRC Internet Relay Chat
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP Internet Service Provider

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: J

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “J”

Abbreviation Full-Form
J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition
J2SE Java 2 Standard Edition
JAR Java Archive
JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding
JBoss Java-Based Application Server
JCE Java Cryptography Extension
JCL Job Control Language
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
JDK Java Development Kit
JDO Java Data Objects
JEE Java Enterprise Edition
JFC Java Foundation Classes
JIRA Atlassian JIRA
JIT Just-In-Time
JMS Java Message Service
JMX Java Management Extensions
JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface
JPA Java Persistence API
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JRE Java Runtime Environment
JS JavaScript
JSF JavaServer Faces
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
JSP JavaServer Pages
JSR Java Specification Request
JTA Java Transaction API
JUnit Java Unit Testing
JVM Java Virtual Machine
JWS Java Web Start

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: K

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “K”

Abbreviation Full-Form
KB Kilobyte
Kbps Kilobits Per Second
KCL Kinesis Client Library
KDB Kernel Debugger
KDE K Desktop Environment
KDF Key Derivation Function
KGS Kilo-Gram Second
Kibibyte KiB
KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid
KLOC Kilo Lines Of Code
KMS Key Management Service
KNL Knights Landing
KNN K-Nearest Neighbors
KVC Key-Value Coding
KVM Kernel Virtual Machine
KVM Kernel-based Virtual Machine
KVM Keyboard Video Mouse
KVM Switch Keyboard Video Mouse Switch

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: L

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “L”

Abbreviation Full-Form
LAMP Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCDM Lambda Cold Dark Matter
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LED Light Emitting Diode
LIFO Last In, First Out
LPAR Logical Partition
LPC Low Pin Count
LPDDR Low Power Double Data Rate
LPT Line Printer Terminal
LRU Least Recently Used
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSI Large-Scale Integration
LSM Linux Security Module
LTE Long Term Evolution
LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: M

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “M”

Abbreviation Full-Form
MAC Media Access Control
MAC address Media Access Control address
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MB Megabyte
Mbps Megabits per second
MBR Master Boot Record
MCA Micro Channel Architecture
MCU Microcontroller Unit
MFA Multi-Factor Authentication
MHz Megahertz
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIMO Multiple Input and Multiple-Output
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
ML Machine Learning
MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
MMU Memory Management Unit
MOBO Motherboard
MOD Module
MP3 MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
MS Microsoft
MSI Micro Star International
MSSQL Microsoft SQL Server
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
MVC Model View Controller
MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operator
MVP Minimum Viable Product
MVP Model View Presenter
MVS Multiple Virtual Storage
MX Mail exchange

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: N

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “N”

Abbreviation Full-Form
NAS Network Attached Storage
NAT Network Address Translation
NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement
NFS Network File System
NIC Network Interface Card
NIDS Network Intrusion Detection System
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIT Network Investigative Technique
NLP Natural Language Processing
NLTK Natural Language Toolkit
NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol
NOC Network Operations Center
NOS Network Operating System
NPM Node Package Manager
NSFW Not Safe For Work
NTFS New Technology File System
NTP Network Time Protocol
NUI Natural User Interface
NUMA Non-Uniform Memory Access
NVM Non-Volatile Memory
NVR Network Video Recorder
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: O

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “O”

Abbreviation Full-Form
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OCR Optical Character Recognition
ODBC Open Database Connectivity
ODF Open Document Format
ODT Open Document Text
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFC Open Financial Connectivity
OLE Object Linking and Embedding
OLE DB Object Linking and Embedding Database
OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode
OMG Object Management Group
OMR Optical Mark Recognition
OOP Object Oriented Programming
ORM Object Relational Mapping
OS Operating System
OSD On Screen Display
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OSS Open Source Software
OTP One Time Password

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: P

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “P”

Abbreviation Full-Form
PC Personal Computer
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCI-E Peripheral Component Interconnect Express
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PDF Portable Document Format
PGA Pin Grid Array
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PIM Personal Information Manager
PNG Portable Network Graphics
PNP Plug and Play
POP Post Office Protocol
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface
POST Power On Self Test
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
PS/2 Personal System/2

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: Q

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “Q”

Abbreviation Full-Form
QA Quality Assurance
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QBE Query By Example
QC Quantum Computing
QDR Quad Data Rate
QDR Quick Data Rate
QEMU Quick EMUlator
QEMU Quick Emulator
QFD Quality Function Deployment
QoS Quality of Service
QPI Quick Path Interconnect
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
QR Code Quick Response Code
QTP Quick Test Professional
QWERTY A type of keyboard layout

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: R

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “R”

Abbreviation Full-Form
RAID 0 Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks level 0
RAID 1 Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks level 1
RAID 5 Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks level 5
RAID 6 Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks level 6
RAID 10 Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks level 10
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RAM Random Access Memory
RAM disk Random Access Memory disk
RAMDAC Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter
RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RDB Relational Database
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RDF Resource Description Framework
REST Representational State Transfer
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RGB Red Green Blue
RGBHV Red Green Blue Horizontal Vertical
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computing
RISC OS Reduced Instruction Set Computer Operating System
RJ45 Registered Jack 45
RLAN Radio Local Area Network
RMI Remote Method Invocation
ROI Return On Investment
ROLAP Relational Online Analytical Processing
ROM Read Only Memory
ROM BIOS Read Only Memory Basic Input Output System
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RPM Revolutions Per Minute or Red Hat Package Manager
RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (Public Key Cryptography)
RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
RSI Repetitive Strain Injury
RSN Robust Security Network
RSS Really Simple Syndication
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
RTC Real-Time Clock
RTF Rich Text Format
RTL Register Transfer Level or Right to Left
RTO Recovery Time Objective
RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol
RTS Real-Time Strategy
RTSP Real-Time Streaming Protocol
RUP Rational Unified Process
RVD Real-Time Video Display

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: S

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “S”

Abbreviation Full-Form
SaaS Software as a Service
SAN Storage Area Network
SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SBC Single Board Computer
SCM Software Configuration Management
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SDL Specification and Description Language
SDLC Systems Development Life Cycle
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SED Stream Editor
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIMD Single Instruction Multiple Data
SIP Session Initiation Protocol
SISD Single Instruction Single Data
SMB Server Message Block
SMP Symmetric Multiprocessing
SMS Short Message Service
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SPAM Simple Protocol for Automated Mail
SPARC Scalable Processor Architecture
SQL Structured Query Language
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SSH Secure Shell
SSI Server Side Includes
SSL Secure Socket Layer
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSO Single Sign-On
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
SVN Apache Subversion

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: T

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “T”

Abbreviation Full-Form
T-SQL Transact SQL
TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
TAL Typed Assembly Language
TAN Transaction Authentication Number
TAPI Telephony Application Programming Interface
TB Terabyte
TBW Terabytes Written
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TCPA Trusted Computing Platform Alliance
TDD Test Driven Development
TDE Transparent Data Encryption
TDP Thermal Design Power
TDR Time Domain Reflectometry
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TGA Truevision Graphics Adapter
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association
TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
TLD Top-Level Domain
TLDNR Too Long; Did Not Read
TLS Transport Layer Security
TPM Trusted Platform Module
TPM Two-Phase Commit
TRIM Trim Response in SSDs
TTL Time to Live
TTY Teletype
TWAIN Technology Without An Interesting Name

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: U

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “U”

Abbreviation Full-Form
UAC User Account Control
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
UI User Interface
UML Unified Modeling Language
UNC Universal Naming Convention
Unicode Universal Coded Character Set
UNIX Uniplexed Information and Computing Service
UPC Universal Product Code
UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB Universal Serial Bus
USB-C Universal Serial Bus Type-C
USRT Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
UX User Experience

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: V

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “V”

Abbreviation Full-Form
VAR Value Added Reseller
VB Visual Basic
VBA Visual Basic for Applications
VCD Video Compact Disc
VCF Virtual Card File
VCI Virtual Circuit Identifier
VDE Virtual Distributed Ethernet
VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
VDP Video Display Processor
VDSL Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
VDT Video Display Terminal
VDU Visual Display Unit
VESA Video Electronics Standards Association
VGA Video Graphics Array
VHSIC Very-High Speed Integrated Circuit
VITA VMEbus International Trade Association
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VLF Very Low Frequency
VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
VLSM Variable Length Subnet Mask
VLSM Variable Length Subnet Masking
VME Versa Module Eurocard
VME Versa Module Europa
VNC Virtual Network Computing
VoD Video on Demand
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
VOM Volt-Ohm Meter
VOR Voice Operated Relay
VPI Virtual Path Identifier
VPL Visual Programming Language
VPN Virtual Private Network
VRAM Video Random Access Memory
VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
VSAM Virtual Storage Access Method
VSM Virtual System Modelling
VSS Volume Shadow Copy Service
VXD Virtual Device Driver

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: W

Here are the Important full-forms and abbreviations of computer starting with the letter “W”

Abbreviation Full-Form
WADL Web Application Description Language
WAI Web Accessibility Initiative
WAI-ARIA 1.1 Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications 1.1
WAI-ARIA 1.2 Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications 1.2
WAI-ARIA Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications
WAN Wide Area Network
WBMP Wireless Bitmap
WCCP Web Cache Communication Protocol
WDDM Windows Display Driver Model
WDR Wide Dynamic Range
WDS Windows Deployment Services
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy
WFM Wired for Management
WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WINS Windows Internet Name Service
WINSOCK Windows Sockets
WISP Wireless Internet Service Provider
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
WNS Windows Push Notification Service
WORM Write Once Read Many
WORM Drive Write Once Read Many Drive
WORM Optical Write Once Read Many Optical
WORM Tape Write Once Read Many Tape
WPA2 Wi-Fi Protected Access II
WPA3 Wi-Fi Protected Access III
WPA3-Enterprise Wi-Fi Protected Access III-Enterprise
WPA3-Personal Wi-Fi Protected Access III-Personal
WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access
WPA-802.1X Wi-Fi Protected Access-802.1X
WPA-Enterprise Wi-Fi Protected Access-Enterprise
WPA-Personal Wi-Fi Protected Access-Personal
WPA-PSK Wi-Fi Protected Access-Pre-Shared Key
WPA-PSKEnterprise Wi-Fi Protected AccessPreShared Key-Enterprise
WPA-Radius Wi-Fi Protected AccessRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service
WPA-Supplicant Wi-Fi Protected Access Supplicant
WPAD Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol
WPD Windows Portable Device
WPF Windows Presentation Foundation
WPS Wi-Fi Protected Setup
WSSecurity Web Services Security
WSD Web Services for Devices
WSDL2 Web Services Description Language Version 2.0
WSDL Web Services Description Language
WSDL-F Web Services Description Language for Federated Services
WSDL-M Web Services Description Language for Mobile Services
WSDL-S Web Services Description Language for Semantic Web Services
WSI Web Services Interoperability
WWW World Wide Web
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: X

I'm sorry, but there are not many commonly used computer-related terms that start with the letter “X”. 

Here are a few examples:

  • XML - Extensible Markup Language
  • XHR - XMLHttpRequest
  • XGA - Extended Graphics Array
  • XSS - Cross-Site Scripting
  • X.25 - ITU-T standard for packet-switched wide area network (WAN) communication

These are some of the most well-known full forms of computer-related terms starting with the letter “X”.

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: Y

I'm sorry, but there are not many commonly used computer-related terms that start with the letter “Y”. 

Here are a few examples:

  • Y2K - Year 2000
  • YAML - Yet Another Markup Language
  • YUV - Color space used in video processing
  • YMODEM - Error-correcting file transfer protocol
  • YOTTABYTE - A unit of digital information equal to 1 septillion bytes

These are some of the most well-known full forms of computer-related terms starting with the letter “Y”.

Computer Related Full Form start with alphabet: Z

I'm sorry, but there are very few computer-related full forms that start with the letter Z. Here are some of them:

Abbreviation Full-Form
ZAW Zero Administration for Windows
ZB Zebibyte
ZCS Zero Code Suppression
ZIF Zero Insertion Force
ZIP Zone Information Protocol
ZISC Zero Instruction Set Computer
ZMA Zone Multicast Addressing
ZNI Zone Number Information
ZPL Z-level Programming Language
ZPODD Zero Power Optical Disk Drive

Simple tips to remember the full forms of computer-related terms

Here are some tips on how to remember the full forms of computer-related terms:

  • Acronyms: Create an acronym for the full form of a term. For example, to remember the full form of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), you can create an acronym "How To Make a Link."

  • Break it down: Break down the full form of a term into smaller parts, and try to remember each part individually. For example, the full form of CPU (Central Processing Unit) can be broken down into "Central," "Processing," and "Unit."

  • Use visual aids: Create a visual representation of the full form of a term. For example, you can create a flowchart or a diagram that illustrates the various components of a term.

  • Repeat: Repetition is key when it comes to memorizing. Repeat the full form of a term several times until it sticks in your memory.

  • Practice: Practice using the full forms of computer-related terms in context. For example, use the full form of a term in a sentence or when explaining a concept to someone else.

By using these tips, readers can enhance their ability to remember the full forms of computer-related terms, which can ultimately help them communicate more effectively in the tech industry.


In conclusion, understanding the full forms of computer-related terms is essential for anyone working in the tech industry or using technology in their daily lives. It not only helps to enhance knowledge but also enables effective communication and collaboration with others. 

Remembering full forms can be made easier by breaking down complex terms into simpler words and creating associations with them. It's important to keep practicing and reviewing the terms regularly to solidify one's understanding. 

With the help of the tips provided, readers can improve their retention and recall of computer-related full forms.

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