HTML Basic: How to Learn HTML Coding Quickly and Easily for Free

HTML Basic: Examples, Documents, Declaration, Headings, Paragraphs, Links, Images & How to View HTML Source

If you are interested in Coding/Programming, you must have heard about HTML and probably know a little bit about HTML.

In today's article, we will answer all the questions like HTML Basic: Examples, documents, declaration, headings, paragraphs, links, images & how to view HTML source, and how to learn HTML for free.

After reading this article thoroughly, you will know a lot about HTML, so read this article thoroughly. 

Let's start without delay and know what HTML is.

HTML Basic: How to Learn HTML Coding

{tocify} $title={Table of Contents}

The Full Form of HTML is – Hypertext Markup Language.

In this, each word has a different meaning, which is understood one by one –

Hypertext: Hypertext is a text in which there is a link on the text. You must have seen many web pages in which there is a link in one text, and you click on it and reach another webpage. This text itself is called Hypertext.

Markup Language: This is a computer language used to create the webpage's structure. 

HTML Tag is used to creating a Webpage in HTML. There is some mark in the text between each tag, such as Heading, Bold, Table, Paragraph, Italic Etc. This is called Markup.

Apart from HTML, there are other markup languages, such as XML, BBC, DHTML, etc. But HTML is the most popular of these.

What is HTML?

  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
  • HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages
  • HTML defines the structure of a Web page
  • HTML consists of a sequence of elements
  • HTML elements notify the browser how to show the content
  • HTML elements label details of content such as "this is a heading", "this is a paragraph", "this is a link", etc.

When the Internet was started, HTML language was used to create a website at that time. 

But today, technology has become very advanced, and today there are many computer languages with the help of which websites can be created.

Who Invented HTML

HTML was discovered in 1990 by Tim Berners Lee. Lee also founded the www (World Wide Web) in 1989.

For this achievement, Lee was named in Time Magazine's list of the world's 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

Tim Berners Lee was a physicist. He is also called the Father of HTML.

Features of HTML

  • HTML is an easy language; anyone can learn it.
  • HTML can be opened in any Operating System.
  • In this, we can add a Link, as well as an Image & Video can also be added to the Webpage.
  • A webpage can be made attractive with the help of CSS with HTML.

HTML usage

HTML is mainly used to create Webpage or Web Documents.

History of HTML

HTML was discovered in the 90s, and still, many changes are happening in it, and new versions of HTML keep coming from time to time.

Currently, the responsibility of HTML is with an organization named World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

HTML Types

Now know about all the versions of HTML.


This is the first version of HTML. After the formation of HTML in 1990, for the first time in 1991, a document named HTML Tag was released, in which 18 elements of HTML were told.

HTML 1.0

HTML 1.0 was published in 1993 and used to share information on the Internet. It could be read by opening it in a Web Browser.

HTML 2.0

HTML 2.0 was published in 1995, adding some other features like Image Tags.

HTML 3.2

In 1997 a new version of HTML was published. It was created by the W3C company. HTML 3.2 was Advanced from all earlier versions, and many new tags were added to it.

HTML 4.0

HTML 4.0 was published in 1998, and some changes were made to it.

HTML 4.1

In 1999, a new HTML version was published, named HTML 4.1. This version of HTML was very successful, and it was used everywhere. Most of the websites are built in this.

HTML 5.0

This is the latest version of HTML so far. It was air published in 2014. Many new tags have been included in this.

Basic Structure of HTML

The basic structure of HTML is the same in all web pages, so it is necessary to learn it before learning to code.

There are 3 parts in HTML document

1. Main Container: <Html>

2. Head Section:   <Head>

3. Body Section:   <Body>

Simple Structure of HTML Document

<!DOCTYPE Html >
            <Title> Title Of The Webpage </Title>
            Content Of The Webpage


1. DTD (DOCTYPE) tells the browser that this document is in HTML.

2. After DTD, a container has to be created which contains all the elements. It is denoted by < Html >.

3. < Head > is used to make Head Section; in this, information about the webpage has to be written. Like Title, Meta Element, and Link Element.

4. After this comes the Body Section <Body>, where our Main Content resides, which all want to show to the user. Like – Paragraph, Heading, Image Etc.

5. Finally, with the help of Closing Tags </Html>, the entire document is closed.

HTML Element “Basic HTML Tag”

If you want to learn HTML, then for this, you need to have knowledge of HTML's Basic Tags. There are about 120 tags in HTML 5.0, but some basic tags which are mainly helpful are as follows -

Tag Description
<!DOCTYPE>  Defines the document type
<html> Defines an HTML document
<head> Contains metadata/information for the document
<title> Defines a title for the document
<body> Defines the document's body
<h1> to <h6> Defines HTML headings
<p> Defines a paragraph
<br> Inserts a single line break
<hr> Defines a thematic change in the content
<!--...--> Defines a comment

An HTML tag is divided into two parts.

1 – Paired Tag

Those tags which are always used as Pairs are called Paired tags. This type of tag has an opening tag and a closing tag.

Like – < Html > < /Html >, < Body > < /Body >

2 – Unpaired Tag

Those tags which do not have any closing tag are called Unpaired Tags.

Like – Link Break Tag < Br / >

HTML Basic Examples: Documents, Declaration, Headings, Paragraphs, Links, Images & How to View HTML Source

HTML Documents

All HTML documents must begin with a document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html>.

The HTML document itself starts with <html> and ends with </html>.

The observable part of the HTML document is between <body> and </body>.


<!DOCTYPE Html >
            <Title> Title Of The Webpage </Title>
     <h1>What is HTML Document</h1>
      <h2>Heading 2</h2>
      <h3>Heading 3</h3>
      <h4>Heading 4</h4>
      <h5>Heading 5</h5>
      <h6>Heading 6</h6>
      <p> Content Of The Webpage</p>

<!DOCTYPE> Declaration

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration defines the document type and permits browsers to display web pages perfectly.

It simply appears once at the page's top (before any HTML tags).

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is not case-sensitive.

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration for HTML5 is:

<!DOCTYPE html>{codeBox}

HTML Headings

The heading Element is used to define a Heading in HTML. Heading Element supports Heading up to 6 levels, determined by <H1> to <H6> Element respectively.

HTML Headings are used based on their importance. 

<h1> Level Heading will be used for the most important Heading. 

And <h6> Level Heading will be used for the least essential Heading.


<h1>This is heading 1</h1>
<h2>This is heading 2</h2>
<h3>This is heading 3</h3>{codeBox}

HTML Paragraphs

The Main Content of an HTML Document is written through Paragraphs. P Element defines the paragraph in HTML. The full name of the HTML P Element is HTML Paragraph Element.

HTML P Element is a Block Level Element. Which shows the content in Blocks.

Each new paragraph is defined by the Opening <p> Tag. And Closing </p> is closed by Tag.


<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>{codeBox}

HTML Links

HTML links are defined with the <a> tag:


<a href="">This is a link</a>{codeBox}

  • The link's destination is determined in the href attribute. 
  • Attributes are used to deliver additional details about HTML elements.

HTML Images

HTML images are represented with the <img> tag.

The source file (src), alternative text (alt), width, and height are delivered as attributes:


<img src="google.jpg" alt="google_image_logo" width="184" height="232">{codeBox}

How to View HTML Source

View HTML Source Code:

Right-click on an HTML page and choose "View Page Source" (in Chrome) or "View Source" (in Edge), or similar in other browsers. 

This will open a window possessing the HTML source code of the page.

Inspect an HTML Element:

Right-click on an element (or a blank area), and select "Inspect" or "Inspect Element" to see what elements are made up of (you will see both the HTML and the CSS). 

You can also edit the HTML or CSS on-the-fly in the Elements or Styles panel that opens.

How to learn HTML

HTML coding is very easy to learn; it is the easiest of all other languages. You can learn HTML online as well as offline.

You will find many websites on the internet where you can quickly & easily learn HTML online.

How to Learn HTML Online for Free

To learn HTML online for free, you can visit the following website to learn HTML codings, such as W3School.Com Or YouTube.

How to learn HTML offline

There are many options to learn HTML coding offline too. like -

  • You can join Coaching Institute.
  • You can learn by buying books.
  • You can join the course on Web Design.

Benefits of HTML

  1. HTML is easy to learn.
  2. HTML runs on all Web Bowser.
  3. Editing code in HTML is very easy.
  4. HTML can also be mixed with other languages.
  5. HTML is an Open Source and absolutely free.
  6. No software is required to do coding from HTML. HTML Coding can be done in Text Editor.

FAQ: About HTML “Mind Blowing Questions”

What is the full form of HTML?

The full name of HTML is Hypertext Markup Language.

Who invented HTML?

HTML was invented by Tim Berners Lee in 1990.

How many types of Headings are there in HTML?

There are 6 types of Heading Tags in HTML -

  • <H1> 1st Level Of Heading </H1>
  • <H2> 2nd Level Of Heading </H2>
  • <H3> 3rd Level Of Heading </H3>
  • <H4> 4th Level Of Heading </H4>
  • <H5> 5th Level Of Heading </H5>
  • <H6> 6th Level Of Heading </H6>

What are HTML Tags?

Some special codes of HTML have been created to work on Browser and Software, with the help of which commands are given to the Browser; these are called HTML Tags.

HTML Tag is divided into how many categories?

HTML Tags are divided into two categories – Paired Tag and Unpaired Tag.

What type of language is HTML?

HTML is a Markup Language.

Why is HTML called Markup Language?

There is some mark in the content coming between the tags of HTML, such as Bold, Built, and Italic. That's why it is called Markup Language.

What is HTML used for?

HTML is used to create a webpage.

What are HTML editors?

The HTML file is a plain file, and the editor is required to edit it like Notepad++. This is called HTML Editor.

Which tools are required for HTML Coding?

To do HTML Coding, we need HTML Editor and Web Browser.

What is HTML 5.0?

HTML 5.0 is the new version of HTML, which was published in the year 2014.


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